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Your application to manage Scientific Societies and Events

With Bipeek you can manage your scientific society and all your events.

Do you want to be the first to try it?

First software on the market
that allows you to manage societies and events

Management of societies

Membership fees, accounting, private associate area, forum, job offers, chat, online election system, document management and much more.

Event management

Registration forms with and without payment gateway, management of scientific communications, billing, certificates, accreditations, event website.

Online events

From our software we can manage and carry out online and hybrid events. Streaming broadcast in the event rooms, attendance control, interaction, surveys and much more.

Bipeek Online Events
The first 360º software

In addition to all the management features, with Bippek you can manage your online events quickly and efficiently. With our technical support you will be able to develop your conferences and events 100% Online in a simple and professional way.

In addition to the management of your scientific society and all the services we offer for your associates, we also allow you to manage all the training events you develop.

Comprehensive Management
Of Congresses & Events

The most important value that Bipeek offers is the possibility of having comprehensive multi-event and multi-society management. If you are a member of two companies and have attended multiple events, you will be able to access all your data, documents, certificates with a single login on our platform.

Multi-event and multi-society software
Data centralized in a single place
Ease of management
Data about your event in real time

Are you a PCO?
Software designed for professionals

Bipeek is designed to facilitate the work of professionals in the daily management of all the companies you manage as well as the events you have underway.

You can use our software as a white label and resell it to your clients as your own software. Bipeek will be your daily work tool and will mark a before and after in the way you manage your business.

We improve communication

With our application we improve communication between your business and your clients. You will all wina and your business will continue to grow.

We improve productivity

Productivity in your business will increase exponentially. The time spent on all your processes will drop significantly.

¿Eres una OPC?
Software diseñado para profesionales

Bipeek está diseñado para facilitar el trabajo a los profesionales en la gestión diaria de todas las sociedades que gestionas así como de los eventos que tengas en marcha.

Podrás utilizar nuestro software como marca blanca y revenderlo a tus clientes como software propio. Bipeek será tu herramienta de trabajo diario y marcará un antes y un después en la manera de gestionar en tu negocio.

Mejoramos la comunicación

Con nuestra aplicación mejoramos la comunicación entre tu negocio y tus clientes. Todos saldréis ganando, pero tu negocio seguirá creciendo.

Mejoramos la productividad

La productividad en tu negocio subirá de manera exponencial. El tiempo de dedicación en todos tus procesos bajará de forma significativa.

Do you want to try our software?
Leave us your details and we will get in touch

    Basic information on Data Protection. Controller: ON SITE SL B98511660. Purpose: At you can obtain information about our services and how to contact us. If you are a client, you may receive periodic information of interest related to our activity. Legitimation: You legitimize the data processing when you fill out a form at and have read and accepted, if applicable, our privacy policy. Recipients: Data is not transferred to third parties (except to fulfill legal obligations). Rights: Access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, revocation. Additional information: You can complete this information on our website